How to Craft in the Division 2

In this section, we will cover how to craft in The Division 2 and tips for crafting efficiently. Crafting is one of the most important mechanics in The Division 2.

Crafting in The Division 2 is a bit more detailed than it’s predecessor, syncing up with the crafting system that Ubisoft has rolled out in other titles.

How to Craft in the Division 2

Crafting is a skill that you can use to make weapons, gear, and consumables with materials found throughout the environment. It requires a crafting station, which can be found at various locations throughout Washington D.C. Crafting stations are marked on your map as a bench with an arrow pointing to it.

How to Craft in the Division 2

However, crafting is not easy. You need to have a good understanding of how each crafting material works and what they do to your gear. You also need to know how each weapon type works in order to make a good weapon.

The Division 2 has many different types of crafting materials that are use for making guns, armor, gadgets, and more.

How to Craft new items and gears in the Division 2

Crafting new items and gears in the Division 2 is a simple process.

Firstly, you need to find a Division Tech who can give you the blueprint for the item or gear that you want to craft. You will then need to find the materials needed for crafting such as weapons, armor, and mods. Finally, you will need to find an appropriate crafting station where you can start crafting your desired item or gear.

Crafting Station Location

Crafting Stations are important for players to craft their own items. The Division 2 has different crafting stations for different items.

Players need to find their way around the map in order to find out the right crafting station.

Crafting Materials in The Division 2

Crafting materials are items that may found or made by players to craft weapons, gear, and other items. There are three types of crafting materials: loot, components, and blueprints.

Loot crafting materials are found in the world and come in different rarity levels. They include metals, cloths, and electronics. Components are the second type of crafting material. They can obtained from dismantling unwanted gear or weapons. Blueprints are the third type of crafting material needed to craft items with a specific blueprint.

Crafting blueprint in The Division 2

Crafting blueprint in The Division 2 is a little different than crafting in the first game. In the first game, players had to find materials around the map and then craft them at a workbench or terminal. In The Division 2, players can just go to a crafting station and select what they want to craft from the menu.

How to Craft in the Division 2

The blueprint for each weapon will be different depending on what materials you have and how many of each material you have. Players will need to use their imagination when it comes to creating their own weapons because there are no guides for them to follow when it comes to this.

Crafting blueprint in The Division 2 is a little different than crafting in the first game. Instead of having players search for materials all over the map, they can now just go straight into crafting stations and select.

How to Craft Exotics in The Division 2

Crafting exotics in Division 2 is a process that can take time. The first thing you will need to do is find the blueprint for the exotic that you want to craft. Once you have found the blueprint, you will need to find all of the materials and blueprints needed to craft that particular exotic.

Crafting an exotics in Division 2 can be a daunting task at first, but once you know what to do and where everything is, it becomes much easier.