How Many Vivariums Can You Have in Hogwarts Legacy

How Many Vivariums Can You Have in Hogwarts Legacy

Looking for how many vivariums can you have in Hogwarts Legacy? While you are out exploring the world in Hogwarts Legacy, you are going to go over different fabulous monsters that you can save and sell for some additional gold. However, if you need to get the assets for upgrading your stuff, you will need to put a portion of these animals in your Vivariums in the Room of Necessity. These regions are enormous yet limit how many monsters you can place in them. In light of this, how many Vivariums can you have in Hogwarts Legacy?

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How Many Vivariums Can You Have in Hogwarts Legacy

As you begin finding Hogwarts Legacy’s awesome monsters for Deek the House Mythical person in the Room of Necessity, the primary Vivarium will be opened and available squarely in the focal point of the room. Over the long haul, you can have up to four Vivariums with various biomes to safeguard these animals.

At the point when you go in any of the Vivariums how many vivariums can you have in Hogwarts Legacy, you can put up to four unique species in here, with a sum of 12 creatures being the maximum. This leaves sufficient space for a male and female animal, and afterward you can raise an offspring. Sadly, it is absolutely impossible to extend these openings. Instead, to get these different areas, you really want to continue to do side journeys for Deek. You can also read our World of Warcraft latest guide from here.


As you go through the main missions, Teacher Weasley will prescribe speaking to Deek once in a while. Finish the responsibilities he requests that you do, and the Room of Necessity will naturally extend and give you more regions to put your monsters. A similar stockpiling limits apply to these extra regions, with four different species and a sum of 12 creatures in every one, for a sum of 48 animals between all Vivariums.